
Monday, March 6, 2017

30 Days of HAS Shanea: Day 6/30

잘 지냈어요?

Hey, there, lovelies! 

Welcome back to 30 days of yours truly! :D

It's day 6 of 20 today and today what I wanted to be let known is just how far my Korean skill has come.

Or how far it hasn't...


So some of you know that I have been learning Korean for close to 5 years now... Maybe 4... I'm not sure. 

You'd think I'd be really good at it, right?

Wrong. It's difficult.

Now, I will let you know that I can read Korean fluently. I can type in Korean... I know all Korean characters and sounds and everything.. I just can't seem to comprehend how to make sentences and then there's still alot of words that I don't know. 

It's worth it. I love Korean. I just am having a harder time than I would have thought learning it. 

However if you ever want to learn Korean, most people's goto is

I also started on this. However I found a better website that fully goes into details and in depth about everything you need to know. 

So if you want to learn Korean, I recommend you checking out

They have pdf's, workbooks, fun activities, and in-depth lessons on everything you need to know in the korean language. 

They have helped me out a whole lot. 

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