
Sunday, March 12, 2017

Hoppin Bunny's 30 Days of Me Day 12

Today I'm gonna go more classic. Actually a lot classic.

Pride and the Prejudice by Jane Austin.

 P&P was originally published in 1813. Yes that long ago, but it's still one of my favorite reads. They made it into several different movies and mini series. You might have even seen P&P Zombies recently. My favorite take on this classic is....

This one was a BBC mini series and is pretty long, but I feel that because it was a series that got closer to the actual book.

Jane Austin to me really captures that notion that love isn't always what it appears to be. In most of her books the heroin falls for the wrong guy and notices later that maybe love is right under your nose. All in all it's a good book. It might be a little hard to read if you aren't an English speaker or know older real English dialects.

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