
Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Hoppin Bunny's 30 Days of Me Day 7

Today is another day of the 30 days of bunny and I'm going over what I listen to when I'm not listening to khip-hop or pop. I'm going to go a little R&B today because actually I listen to it a lot more then most. Some of them may not be radio famous, but I like them just the same. Most of these are YouTubers I live on YouTube not gonna lie.

William Singe

He is Australian, and mainly popular there, but man that boy's got a voice. My favorite is probably his hotling bling cover.

NEXT is... 
Paul Kim and David So (these two are new on my list but they are GOOD)

David so (left) Paul Kim (right)

David So

 David So 
Paul Kim

Paul Kim

Paul Kim

Paul Kim


The Weekend 



Mary J. Blige (old school I know)

Mary's a little old school and I love ALL of her songs those two just mean the most to me.

Tomorrow on Days of me, we look into what I watch :D whhhaaatttt !!! so come back ;)

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