
Thursday, March 16, 2017

~31 Facts About HAS Glo~ (Day 16)

South Korea!!! 

Of course I was going to talk about this. It's only fair ... maybe ... who knows what fair is... But being that this is a kpop blog ... well... nothing could stop me!!! 

Anywhoserz .... I. LOVE. KPOP.

It's true. I do! 

I also LOVE South Korean Culture. It's amazing. I'm not at all well knowledgeable about everything there is to know about Korean Culture, but I do love what I know. 

The BIGGEST important thing in South Korea is .... RESPECT! Imagine that. Lol. They have a huge thing for respect. And who's to blame them. When you respect someone, you respect yourself too and it's just good things going around. Why stop a good thing right! 

They also hold very dearly, their history. The even make K-Dramas about it. I love that South Korea has many buildings that are historic and full of information too! I can't wait to see them myself! 

And Kpop... Well, how can you go wrong watching and listening and even learning Kpop Songs! I mean, is there something wrong with you? (jk jk.... friendly over here!!) 

I listen to all types of Korean music, except folk. I'm not the biggest fan of folk or jazz, unless it's live. 

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