
Saturday, March 4, 2017

30 Days of HAS Shanea: Day 4/30

Hey there! Welcome back!

Today I want to indulge you in what my favorite food is. That would be....


Anything Asian really..

Some of these are my own pictures.. Some food I made myself.. Some I just ate... And some I just searched. 

Those 2 I made myself though. Bulgogi (불고기) is a common meal in our household. I won't reveal my secrets or my recipes.. However, I will tell you its DANG GOOD.

We grill ours on a kitchen grill. But could you imagine the amazingness if you charcoal grilled it? Lawd. 

Sometimes we also put it in a crock pot and slow cook it for a WHILE. That way the juices stay in and even multiply and you get this nice juice to put all over the rice. 

Annnnnd now I'm hungry. 

Until tomorrow, lovelies, where you get to know the most relevant thing about my life to this day. 

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