
Thursday, February 8, 2018

14 Days of Hoppin Hip Hop Love ( day 8)

Hey Hoppers!!!!! Today's artist has a special place in my special parts. His voice is UNDENIABLY one of my most amazing finds OF ALL TIME!!!!

Okay some of you may be wondering, "But Bunny he's a singer" YES. YES HE IS AND HE WILL SING YOU RIGHT OUT OF YOUR CLOTHES INTO THE BEDROOM!!! I could make a commercial for this man... "Felling thirsty? have a sip of G Soul he'll make all the thirst worse" 

This man I can not get enough of him. I could for real listen to him ALL DAY and be perfectly happy. Just have him in the background while cleaning house or doing naughty things in the bedroom ;) IT'S VALENTINES DAY WEEK LET ME HAVE MY MOMENT. In all seriousness this man really knows how to please the ears. BUT THERE IS ONE SONG really just made me have so much respect for him. It's a cover for "A Song For You" Now if you don't ready or watch anything in my post ever or your a first timer in the world of HAS you really need to listen to this.

Honestly I'm a little (okay a lot) obsessed with his covers. Like "Rocket" - Beyonce 

G Soul was a trainee for 15 years at JYP before he debuted, but has now signed with H1GHR MUSIC. H1GHR MUSIC is Jay Parks sub-label. Maybe it was the 17 years at JYP that made him as great as he is, but all I know is this man can SING!!!

If you don't see why this man belongs on your love list SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH YOU AND YOU NEED YOUR SEXY ORGANS SEXY CHECKED... lol just kidding but no really just look him up and listen to him ... all day ...everyday... in the shower, in the car, in the bed *winky face here*

Tomorrow we have another sexy contestant on HOPPIN LOVE , so stay tuned and see !!!

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