
Monday, February 12, 2018

14 Days of the Best Love Songs: Day 12

Again with the 'not all love songs are about happily ever after'. This song is also about that. 

Day 12:

Bobby - I Love You

Putting the lyric video first so you can see the translation!

The song is really upbeat, but the song is actually sad! Korean artists are really good with doing this. They make a sad song not sound so depressing. But it is sad. 

The song is about a breakup and he still loves the girl, but he has to let her go. You would never guess. The lyrics blow your mind compared to the song. 

I'm so proud of Bobby for how far he's come in his musical journey in such a short time. The guy has mad skills and I loved seeing this side of him rather than just seeing 'Holup' Bobby. Admittedly, 'Holup' Bobby is still my favorite Bobby.. But this whole album of his was just so amazing and really showed how talented he is at almost everything. 

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