
Thursday, February 1, 2018

14 Days of Hoppin Hip Hop Love (day 1)

OMG IT'S BEEN A WHOLE YEAR SINCE MY LAST LOVE SERIES. This year we have all decided to do it again since it was such a fun series. For the next 14 days I'm going to show you some hip hop or R&B artist that I find the sexiest in the KHop industry. (I'm determined to make the KHop a thing.) ANYWAY first on our list.

He's so flippin adorable!!!! His facial structure... That jaw line though hahaha. And he's got this really cute, what I call Monroe Mole.

Juno is no stranger when it comes to my side of the HAS Hoppers. I have talked about him a lot and will continue because I JUST LOVE HIM.

He's done a couple of features since I talked about him last. Like with G Yamazawa "One Crown"

I actually like following him on the big IG (@junoflo)

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