
Sunday, February 11, 2018

14 Days of Hoppin Hip Hop Love (day 11)

IT'S DAY 11!!!!! Ya'll since the very first time I heard of this guy I've been in love. Call me weird, but this is MY taste in men. 

I LOVE HIS VOICE SO MUCH... It's so unique. And to me sometimes he plays with his flow and I love that, switching it up every now and then is just ... I LOVE YOU BEWHY MARRY ME. He's handsome to me too. I'm not really sure why. IT'S THE EYEBROWS!!!! THEM EYEBROWS ON FLEEEK!!!! Really though in all seriousness I just really find him so attractive. 

I feel like I don't show enough of his show me the money stuff so I wanted to show these cause these are my favorite!

I find that not a lot of people listen to some of his older stuff. But he's a Bunny Favorite so you'll be seeing a lot of him probably!

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