
Tuesday, February 14, 2017


HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!!!!!!! YAZZZZZZ WE MADE IT TO D-DAY !!!! and you know I got to put my hubby on here he'd get mad at me. I may have had to send him off recently *cry*but it'll go fast. I hope ....



OMG YA'LL I CAN'T DEAL!!!! Look at my boo. He only gets sexier with age too. Voted on several Hottest men alive articles usually ranking top 10. Choi Seung Hyun!!!!!! ya'll I think I need to go to the hospital my heart just stopped.

His insecurities are what I find the hottest things about him. He seems like one of those guys that really doesn't know how sexy he is. Unfortunately there isn't a lot I can say that people don't already know, I mean it's TOP. So I'll just give you some of my favorite things about him instead :D

Favorite songs:

 Oh Mom

Secret Message OST

Favorite Acting:

He's only been gone a couple of days and already I miss him :(... I baked his favorite cake and made his favorite dishes for his return home though and I sent him off with in a way he'd never forget, if you know what I mean ;) hahahahaha jk jk jk anyway. I don't think he's the greatest rapper out there, but he makes it really really hard not to just fall for him. I think his determination to make himself a better person is what makes me like him. TOP has gone trough a lot of growth in his life and I have MAD respect for him. When he comes back from his military service I only hope to see him get better and better. I MISS YOU HONEY BOO COME BACK SAFE (did I mention I love a man in uniform?) 

And that concludes our Valentines Hoppin Lovers I hope you enjoyed it. I hope you learned a little about people you knew and maybe some that you didn't know. Make sure to look up the ones you didn't know they are worth the look. :D  

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