
Saturday, February 4, 2017

Hoppin Bunny's 30 Days of Me Day 4

It's time for another Bunny first, and today is my first Actor love. 

Kim Woo Bin

I actually saw him first on To the Beautiful You. Most people forget he was in that show. To the Beautiful You was the third drama I ever watched. In case you forgot he played Jae Hee's American photographer child hood friend. I first wanted to see that show because my favorite manga is Hana Kimi which is where the story comes from. When I heard it was made into a drama I had to watch it. 

Then I found School 2013 it was my 4th drama why Kim Woo Bin....duh... 

Not gonna lie I still have a mad crush on Kim Woo Bin and probably always will. I JUST WANT TO CUDDLE HIMS!!!!

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