
Monday, February 6, 2017

14 Days of Second Lead Syndrome: Day 6/14

Welcome back, lovelies! You've entered the series "14 Days of Second Lead Syndrome".

Can you believe this series is almost half over? I can't. I'm having too much fun with it though. :(

So today I will introduce one of my favorite dramas in the world.. More on that later... 

Today's pick is "Doctors (Doctor Crush)"

Okay guys.. I'm gonna stop right here and say something. I am currently in college. Did I tell yall that? Ok well originally I was going to go to school for Asian studies with a focus in Korean studies.. And I'm still not sure if I won't... But right now, I'm currently in college... for Surgical Technology. This drama was the basis for that. I know that sounds pretty drastic that I would base my career on a drama. But after watching this drama... The opportunity presented itself, so I took it. I didn't actually go looking for Surgical Tech.. It just kinda found me and I was like.. Hmm... Neurosurgery sounds kinda cool.. So far it's going okay. But I really don't recommend anyone do that in the future. I still might switch majors. 

But I have an extremely soft spot for medical dramas....

Back to topic at hand.....

Second Lead Syndrome. 

This drama was amazing and the "Second Lead Syndrome" was real.. For me though, I always shipped her and the teacher/doctor. God, I mean, do you see him? And his voice? And how he acts? Do you? Do YOU?!?! 

Look at them yall.. They look really good together anyways!

But I did love the second lead.. And someone I could have seen as a second lead? Sound weird? I'm calling "Second Lead Syndrome" on a supporting actor. You'll see why. 

Yoon Do, yall.

Look at him.. He was a really big douchebag in the beginning. Sorry for that term.. We'll just say jerk. He was a jerk.. But so was she though! She's fiesty! But really he was a jerk... But then he started liking her.. And you saw a soft side of him.. And he's so cute. And there were alot of times where I gripped my chest because it hurt for him... But I'm glad things turned out the way they did. 

Now supporting second lead...

That would be Soo Cheol. Come on, listen.. Him and Hye Jung were so good together. Plus, I have a soft spot for Ji Soo anyways.. I have a soft spot for every good looking guy.. *sigh* 

He was so sweet and cute. I loved him to death. And guys... This next part almost killed me. 

I CRIED SO HARD! I mean SOOOOOO HARD! This seriously broke my heart.. I thought he would die for awhile.. 

Did he though?

Go watch and find out. 


Thanks for reading, lovelies! Stay tuned for tomorrow's!

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