
Monday, February 6, 2017

Day 6 Hoppin love

So it's day 6. Wow so fast! The man of the day doesn't need much of an intro, so let's get right too it. I promised ya'll another bad boy so here he is.... Give it up for....

Jay Park 

That isn't enough to convince you huh? ..... you want the tats do you? Oh yea here you go... 


So after I watched this gif numerous of times I said to myself..."Whats hommie doing in the background" anyway... Jay park takes my breath away and just about every girl that lays eyes on him. Oh but he knows it. Don't let him fool you... Bunny can't handle a man in tats I just ... fall .... hard...

Jay park is one of my favorite Korean rappers. Here's why. A lot of you may remember Jay Park as the leader of 2pm , but after words were said on his myspace page (yea thats how long ago it was) he left the group. What I admire most about him is he didn't let that stop him. THE DUDE MAKES BANK YA'LL .... so much bread the boy probably has his own bakery. Why not he does everything else, sings, dances, raps, acts, and has his own perfume and other apparels, PLUS he's the co-founder of AOMG.  BANK YA'LL... you know that green stuff that people like to make to buy s!@# well he's got bookoo of it. ANYWAY..... it's like people tell him no and he's like ehhh whats that mean watch this TURN UP....ABLUMS SKYROCKET. Jay Parks World Wide album charted 3 in Korea and number one in my radio TURN UP AND ON REPEAT. I call him the ultimate bad boy, because he has the "mess with me I'll show you attitude". 

^^^^ won him back in the spotlight for a lot of people

^^^^ one of his new songs and right now one of my favs

^^^^ this one had me wishing I was drowning.....QUICK JAY MOUTH TO MOUTH RESUSCITATION!!!!

I could go on all day about the risky dance moves of the girls in his videos, or his lyrics, or how lucky of a girl his Mrs. will be one day. But I will tell you he's not going to be a stranger on this blog now that I'm a part of the team. 

With the looks, the body, and the talent, how can anyone not put him on their sexiest list. But it's only day 6 so stay tuned because there is definitely more to come ;)  

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