
Saturday, February 4, 2017

Number 11: Dear Mom Girls Generation

Day 4 of 14 : Best Kpop Love Songs 
(According to Glo)

Happy Saturday Glosticks! 

As Valentine's Day is getting closer, some people have dates planned out, others don't really want to do anything, and some, call their families, because Valentines isn't just for couples or singles. It's for ALL your loved ones! 

When I was younger, I obviously didn't have any boyfriends or anything like that. On Valentine's Day, my Mom and Dad would buy my siblings and I little things, like a teddy bear, or a stuffed kitty cat. Along with the stuffed they would buy Valentine's Day candy. If it was a school day, we would come home to those little sweet gifts from our parents. 

Every year, my parents did that for us. Showing us love like nobody else had, or will ever show us! After some years of that happening, I just took it for granted and expect it from them. It was foolish of me. My family was never rich money wise, but we lived comfortably. 

Now as I look back to those years, it means a lot that they thought of us each each on Valentine's Day even when they had day to day struggles. Make sure, that this week you call your parents and let them know that you love them. If you no longer have your parents in this life, send a prayer for them, and call those closest to you that took you under their wing when they didn't have to do that! 

This song, number 11 Dear Mom by Girls Generation, always makes me cry every time I listen to it. There were too many times that I took my Mom for granted and never thanked her for anything. Now that I'm older, I try to thank my Mom and my Dad for everything they did for me.

Although this song is just for Mom, there are people out there who didn't have a Mom in their life, and their Dad had to play both roles, make sure to listen to it and keep the promises you made to your parents. Without our parents we wouldn't be where we are in life now! 

너무 사랑해 엄마, 아빠!!!
(I love you so much, Mom, Dad!!!)

I hope that you enjoy this song as much as I have! 

너무 사랑해 엄마, 아빠!너무 사랑해 엄마, 아빠!!!!!너무 사랑해 엄마, 아빠!!!

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