
Tuesday, February 14, 2017

New series coming in March!

Hey, there lovelies! This month's series is officially over. 

To give you all the full list of each member's 14 Days of Valentine's series:

So with this series being officially over, I'd like to introduce our March series.

This series is a kind of "Getting to know you" type of thing. 

You ever read our posts and go.. hmm.. I'd like to know a little more about this crazy person. or you ever think we're these faraway people who you can't talk to because we're behind a computer screen?

Wrong. This is your chance to really get to know how weird and surprisingly normal we are offscreen. 

Also just a pointer that if you go to the HAS facebook, you can talk to us at anytime. ;P

So stay tuned because the series starts on March 1st!

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