
Friday, May 30, 2014

Welcome our new addition to our staff!

We have a new member of our staff at HAS!
Everyone welcome HAS Glow

This is Glow. Her real name is Gloria, but everyone should call her Glow. K? :D
She's joined our staff because she loves everything Korean and because all of our staff already loved her before hand and she wanted to join. Hehe. 

Here are some things you should know about Glow. 
1) She's the one who introduced me to Kim Jong Kook. 
2) She actually has her own blog, which I helped name, called Incidental Brain Contusions. Haha! Don't ask why it's named that.. It's a long story. But she has her own Korean/Random stuff blog. Here's the link. 
3) She likes to play the piano, write poems, and work on stories. 
4) She's a Very sensitive person. If she sees someome crying and goes to console them, she will start crying too.
5) She is a crazy bitch. (The good kind) she said this. Lol.  
6) She loves being hyper.
7) She has A stuffed monkey named Yoseop. 

That one she may not have wanted me to put here. hahahahaha But that's okay because I have a stuffed sock monkey named Jong Kook. 

8) She's Seriously Awesome. She's Like my twin. Lol we're too much alike, its creepy. 
9) She is a hair stylist. I know thats not really the proper term for it but i dont know the proper term. Haha. 

Welcome her with kind words and open arms, lovelies. ♡

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