
Saturday, May 17, 2014


Uh-ee - Crayon Pop

Now, this kind of trotty song is not something that I normally like. BUT. There's just something about Crayon Pop that's so different from all other groups. Their dances for one... They're absolutely ridiculous.  BUT THEY'RE RIDICULOUSLY AWESOME! Sersiously. Bar Bar Bar's "Jumping" dance was really popular everywhere. And I have a feeling the "Chicken" dance in this song will also get seriously popular. I mean come on.. They're doing a CHICKEN DANCE! How awesome is that??
More on the dance later. I honestly really like the song too. It's fun and it feels really old-school Korean-ish. Like it was an old Korean song and they remade it. That's what it feels like. I don't think that's the case. But that's just what it feels like. They really have great voices too. Sometimes it doesn't really show because of all the type of songs they do. Because all of their songs are higher pitch so it doesn't really sound like they'd have good voices. Turns out they do though. lol.

Just so you know. When I say chicken dance, I don't mean they're doing the traditional chicken dance. I mean there's wing flapping and chicken fighting. And it's hilarious.
^ The music video. 

Aside from the chicken part of the dance, the rest of the dance is pretty freaking cool. Like all Crayon Pop's  songs, this one is also a workout. That's one reason why I LOVE Crayon Pop songs. Is because they're good workout music in general, but the actual dances are really good for workouts too.

Crayon pop is just so much fun. Really. They're fun to watch, they're fun to listen to, and I'm pretty sure they're even fun to be around. 

Any takers to come learn this dance with me?  Bring a video camera. Let's go. It looks like fun. Hahaha. You think I'm joking. I'm serious, lovelies. :)

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