
Monday, January 27, 2014

Don't kill me.

Please trust and  believe that when I put the title "Don't kill me" it's for good reason.. Just wait until you get to model 10. :D

Back at it again people! In one of my most popular categories which is..


That being said.. Here you go..

KPOP Shirtless, 4th edition!

Model number 1.. Is one of the sexiest men alive. And that's none other than 2PM's Chansung

I LOVE the first picture. But that's really because I love Taecyeon. Hehehe. Chansung.. Is someone I would never have thought would look good shirtless.. Boy am I wrong. Wheewwwww.

Model number 2. Is one of my favorite singers of all time. And has been around since the 90's. Hmmm.. Who do you think? Shinhwa's Lee Minwoo! :DDDDDD

I have the hugest crush on Minwoo. And always have. But it intensifies everytime I see these pictures. WOW. lol when I get a husband, he needs to look like this in his 30's otherwise it just won't work out between us. hahaha

Model number 3 is one of my personal favorite shirtless guys. And that's Jay Park.

And with good reason. He has the BEST BODY EVERRRR OMGGGGG. *drool*

Model number 4 is someone whos fame is not as recognized as he should be. G-Dragon is HUGE.. Taeyang is HUGE.. TOP is HUGE.. Seungri is HUGE... Daesung? Not so much. So I'm giving him his recognition here. Shirtless Daesung, people!

lol so crappy pictures.. But.. The second one is hilarious... He really does have a great body.. He just doesn't get much recognition for it. I personally love Daesung and think he should be WAY MORE POPULAR than Seungri. Sorry Seungri. No offense.

Model number 5.. Is not a kpop star. If you haven't realized.. I usually have one or 2 in each KPOP shirtless that's not a kpop singer. Even though he may not be a kpop singer.. He still looks good shirtless.  Jung Il Woo.

I really love watching Jung Il Woo act. He's so great. And good looking.. Especially shirtless.

Model number 6.. Is one of my favorite singers/actors. Seo In Guk

This may seem a little... Odd... But Seo In Guk has a very sexy back. Yes.. Back.. Don't judge. lol

Model number 7 is everyone's favorite Bling Bling..
SHINee's Jonghyun

While performing with SHINee.. Most people tend to see him as cute and innocent. Have I corrupted your mind yet? You're welcome. 

Model number 8 is a person who's very popular in my household because of my mother's obsession with Eunhae.. 
Super Junior's Eunhyuk

I still say he looks like a monkey. Love him though!

Model number 9 doesn't have many shirtless pictures even though he should. 
Infinite's Hoya

Really he should take better shirtless pictures...

And with model number 10.. I have saved the best for last. Someone so extremely popular beyond compare.. Someone who was hard to take off the top of the charts for a long time... Someone who is a KPOP LEGEND! A GENIUS! And he's adorable.. 

You guys.. Can you see me laughing? I'm extremely laughing right now. You have no clue how happy I am that I put PSY on here. Hahahahahaha. Like I stated before.. Don't kill me. :D


  1. hahaha^^
    last guy is very laugh me!
    I like psy too!
    most of korean like him, becase he is honest ^^
    thank you! your information !

    1. Hahahaha! I laughed very hard when I put him. Hehe. I love Psy. Thanks for your comment!
