
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Hello there!!

Welcome To My Addiction!

Annyeong (because we're all friends here)! And welcome to my blog of my absolute favorite thing in the whole wide world.. SOUTH KOREA! I promise I feel so out of place in America. I honestly believe I should have been born Korean. Though some people find my addiction weird.. I plan to one day move to South Korea. Maybe not exactly in Seoul, because as I'm sure alot of people know it is rather costly. But maybe in a surrounding place. So this post is going to tell you a few things about me and some of the things you can expect from my blog. So here we go.

Things About Me

What got me started in loving Korea was actually K-pop. And not just any K-pop. SHINee! 

It started like 2 years ago when I had some friends that started high school, and they loved SHINee. It's all they talked about. So after awhile I went and looked them up and instantly fell in love with Ring Ding Dong and Lucifer. Ohhhh yeah. So since then I've loved k-pop. To the point where I don't even listen to English music anymore. And when I hear it it's like "Umm.. What is this crap playing in my ears?" So you can imagine how I feel when I put on Pandora and English songs come on. Not too much of a happy camper. 
I now have a new favorite Korean boy band and that would definitely be Super Junior, but Shinhwa is a close runner up(more on that later). So the first song I heard by Super Junior was Sorry Sorry.. And if you've never heard that song.. Trust me it's like a sweet bowl of ice cream flowing through your ear canals. It's so catchy and addicting. You NEED to look it up. Also Mr.Simple. It's great. If a person were to ask me.. "Hey Shanea, who's your favorite person in Super Junior?" I would as quick as I could respond LEETEUK! AGHHHH he is the most adorable thing I have ever seen in this world. Ok so I said more about Shinhwa later.. So Shinhwa has got to be the most amazing older group I've seen so far. Minwoo has my heart<3 They have been together for so many years and have this tight bond that is beyond unbreakable. So I may only be 17 and they're in their 30's. Not so far off, huh? :D 
Okay my last little K-pop section here... Even though I'm in love with Super Junior, my 2 favorite songs are Gangnam Style by Psy and Bounce by JJ Project. Gangnam Style - come on who in their right mind DOESN'T like that song?? And the dance. Psy is beyond genius for it. And Bounce - Who doesn't like bouncing???? And who could resist the adorable faces of JR and JB? NO ONE. Not even my mom who is absolutely in love with JB. 

What you can expect from this blog

This blog is going to have so much stuff and I'm really very excited to start this blog. It's going to have reviews of shows and movies that I have watched. Korean ones, by the way. My favorite songs of the week.  Random things about random Korean celebrities (Nothing Bad) Obsessions, fun facts, all about Seoul. It's just going to be a big cluster of awesomeness. Ohhh yeah. Yeah it is. 
Well anyways thanks for reading and I hope you come back and check up on awesome stuff I post. 
Love ya lots!

 oh btw.. This is me. Hey there!(:

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