
Friday, March 3, 2017

~31 Facts About HAS Glo~ (Day 3)


I honestly want to apologize a little bit ahead of time .... I LOVE SELFIES!!!! Be ready to be bombarded with loads of pixels of me! Lol!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA😈!!!!!!!

(I like to call this my sexy picture hehehhehehehe ... KDQ Will even agree haha)

(My eyes are so BIG.... love this app)

(Smile, smile, smile!)

(Another app that I love!!! Now, if i could just draw like this hahahhaha)

(Pose ... Pose ... Pose ... take the picture)

(Not all my pictures have to make sense hahahahaha)

(This, I love! Baby Grand Piano... *Sigh*)

(Smoochy smoochy....)

(Once was a coffee addict ... probably will pick up that habit again .... *sighs*)

(Rocking them sunglasses ... )

(It's not often you'll see me wear lipstick ... seriously)

(Trying them new scrubs!)

(Car selfies are a must, but only if you're being safe!!!)

(Gotta keep my skin looking good for more selfies lol)

I was nice, seriously! I have WAAAAYYY too many pictures. Idk what it is about it, maybe it's because I didnt take many pictures as a kid? Seriously I don't know. I love taking pictures of myself. No. I'm not ashamed lol. If people see my phone in my hand, I'm used to hearing, "there she goes again with another selfie" lol! 

Love yourself and your selfies!!!! There was a reason why they made front facing cameras (besides trying to humiliate me when I'm all nice and comfy and relax with my triple chins lol)

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