
Thursday, August 11, 2016

Sorry for the absences :(

Hello to all of our HAS lovelies!

First and foremost I want to apologize on the behalf of myself and the rest of the HAS crew as we have not kept up with this blog at all. Life sometimes just gets in the way of everything else.

HAS Shanea has been very sick for awhile now and has not been able to get on to do any blogs even though she has really good intentions to write some. Please keep her in your prayers so that she can get back to what she loves. HAS Glo has been super busy with work, HAS Vince is going back to school and me....The Korean Drama Queen....went back to school, trying to get a job and I have 4 kids to take care of. WHEW I am tired just thinking about it all!!

I am going to start working on some blogs here in the near future and I hope that this time I can keep up with them. My blogs may be random, they may be about old/new dramas, comebacks, news, fashion, just never know with me but I really want to get some things out there for our faithful readers.

From all of us at HAS, we love you and we thank you for all of your support!! 


~The Korean Drama Queen~

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