So sorry for no blog posts! Love you, though! And hopefully will get one up today or tomorrow!
So alot of people have been asking me why I haven't been writing blogs in the past few days.. Do you know what my excuse was? "Because I've been so depressed since Teuki left." 100% not true, by the way. Actually it really is true.. I really am depressed that Leeteuk leftttt Huhuhuuuu:'( but it's not the reason I haven't written anything. I've just been a mixture of being lazy and being busy. Most of the time I was busy, so then when I had a chance to write, I would be lazy and just not do anything but camp out in front of my tv and play Black Ops on my Xbox. Ahhh Black Ops. I can't wait until Black Ops 2 comes out! Off subject. So I have like 10 different blog posts lined up that I need to do and hopefully I'll get on that tomorrow. Or I might end up doing one tonight. Depends on if I can sleep or not. Which btw, I usually don't. So you might be in luck. So just keep checking back and I will definitely have 2 up tomorrow.
But since I haven't written anything... How did everyone's Halloween go? Mine was great, the 2nd half of it anyways... The first half was crap and my costume broke. So I went as myself. HEYYY maybe I can go as a website page next year and be Advertising at it's best, huh?!?!?! So here's some pics of my Halloween. Leave comments and tell me how yours went!

Thanks for reading! I promise I will definitely stop slacking on you guys. I'm a horrible person, huh? :P
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